Haagse Bos

Haagse Bos

Location of Haagse Bos in the Hague
Gemeente: Den Haag
Stadsdeel: Haagse Hout
Population: 422

Haagse Bos is an area (wijk) and a forest in the centre of The Hague, Netherlands. It reaches from the Center of The Hague near Malieveld to the city of Wassenaar. It is also one of the oldest remaining forests of the Netherlands.

During World War II, the park was used by the Germans for launching V-1 and V-2 rockets.

Originally the Haagse Bos was a section of a bigger forest that stretched from 's-Gravenzande to Alkmaar. This was called Die Hout (The Woods). The title eventually gave way to the name Houtland (which literally means "woods lands") and later became Holland. From this original forest only the Haagse Bos remains.

In the time of William II and Floris V the forest was considerably reduced to make space and provide wood for the growing fort and the village Die Haghe. The fort became the Binnenhof, where Dutch Parliament sits today, and Die Haghe became Den Haag. However, even in the Middle Ages there were strict rules in place to protect the Haagse Bos from becoming completely cut down, since the Bos was a popular hunting area for Dutch Counts.

During the beginning of the Eighty Years' War the Haagse Bos was once again quickly shrunk to make way for more residents of The Hague. In 1571 a sixth portion of the oak forests were cut to build defenses against the Spanish army. On April 16, 1576 it was declared (in the so-called Act of Redemption) that no further cutting or sale of the forest would be permitted. This law stands today.

During the French Occupation in the early 19th Century, the forest was about to be cut down, but due to saboteurs and work delays the plan was never implemented. After the French occupation the ponds in the forest were made.

In the Second World War the forest was used by the German Army as a launchingplace for their V-1 and V-2 rockets. An attempt by the Allies to destroy this facility led to the bombardment on the adjacent Bezuidenhout district.

Since 1899 the National Forest Administration of the Netherlands (the Staatsbosbeheer) has owned and administered the park. Despite its protected status, two major motorways cut through the forest: the A12 and the Laan van Nieuw Oost Indiƫ.